This past week, work began on the boat.
Also, the previous barrier coat and bottom paint were just applied over the old barrier coat and bottom paint without first removing it. He said its like sanding off concrete, but supposedly it is coming off.
The rigger also called today and is going to start removing the sails tomorrow in preparation for the "de-mast-ication" on Friday.
And lastly, Tami and Justin left today around 1:00pm with a loaded up SUV pulling a 5x8 purple trailer with a custom plywood hinged top to carry all our supplies, tools, and misc. crap that we think we'll need. Hopefully their trip hasn't hit any snags so far and their ETA will be sometime Wednesday if all goes right.
As an introduction to the boat, I've made a video (I love making videos) of our trip down to see it and plan on making more as the re-fit progresses all the way until we're actually making "sailing" videos. Here is the link to the youtube video that I uploaded today.
Click here for The Introduction Video
I'll also include the link to the video I made in August of 2011 when we hitched a ride on a 45' Privilege going from Miami to Nassau. We had a head wind the whole way, so all we did is motor, but it was a good experience to live on a boat for 5 days. Check it out here:
The Sailboat vacation aboard Stray Cat
The YouTube channel to the right is my son's channel and therefore does not have these two videos on that channel. Some of his videos on his channel are of his and Tami's Panama sailing adventure that they went on a couple of months ago on a 46' Fountaine Pajot Bahia. A few of the videos are of the next day after a bad (really bad) storm where a neighbor of there's, a 45' Outremer ran aground on the reef. He was full steam ahead, but could not keep off the reef after he lost anchorage. The boat Tami and Justin were on also lost anchorage and ran into the boat behind them as they did not have any running engines at the time. But I'll just post links straight to the videos as this post seems like it will be my "video" link page.
This video is of our shark dive in Honduras in 2006. Brandon was only 12 years old here but was a seasoned diver by this time and had probably logged over 50 dives prior to this one. If you don't watch the whole thing, at least fast-forward to the 13 min. mark to watch the bucket get opened and the feeding frenzy that ensued.
The Shark Dive - Roatan, Honduras 2006
This one is of the Outremer being pulled off the rocks by a "yacht".
Click here for the 45' Outremer
And finally, the tow to Colon of the Outremer and the boat Tami was on due to loosing their engines in San Blas. They were towed over a two day period and over 12 hours of tow time.
Click here for the tow to Colon, Panama
Good luck with the refit! Glad to hear that the delamination isn't as bad as expected.