Well Tami and Justin ended up driving non-stop from Dallas-Fort Worth to Key West and made it there today around 4:30pm local time - now that's some hard-core driving. They took shifts driving and slept in a small sliver of a space they created in the back among all the stuff that was crammed back there. Total driving time....
26 hours and 30 minutes.
When they pulled up, the bottom-job guys were on-site as the sanding continues - looks a little different from when we were there. Its good to see that progress is being made.
Also, in the little bit of time they've had since arriving (and trying to figure out how to get the 12 volt lights on - I had to make a quick, emergency call to Jeff from the Multihull Company and he saved the day. So that's what those little red-handled key thingys are in the engine rooms?!??!) - back to the subject - they found an older picture of our boat among some of the crap they were wallering through when trying to figure out the 12 volt system.
I had Justin take a picture of the picture and send it to me. And here she is, looking mighty-fine I must say. Hopefully sometime in the near future, we can get her back to this level of "damn, she's pretty!"
thanks for this..